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Exhibit:                      Band, Band, Band, Band

Benchmark:               Number one all about me

Skills:                          Multitasking and Music


I have been in band for eight years and I have loved every minute of the trial and tribulations it brings.  In high school we take band to a whole other level.  We had to learn to play music in new and extraordinary ways, which has made me a better musician in the long run.  Band taught me a lot. It taught me, along with learning how to play an instrument, also multitask.  This allows me to get a lot done in a small amount of time, and has allowed me to flourish.

I started band in fifth grade and from day one I was learning, and once I got to high school I learned so much more.  At this point in time I can play just about any brass instrument and currently I have to play three.  I have to play French Horn, Mellophone, and a Valve Trombone.  My freshman year I had to learn to play both the Mellophone and Valve Trombone along with base clef, and marching.  I had a lot of new things thrown at me, along with the new and harder material.  I am now quite a talented musician, I do not tend to have a problem with the parts I play after a few minutes of looking them over.  This skill is actually quite amazing, very few people actually know how to play a musical instrument and I can play multiple.  I not only learned how to play and read music, but I also learned the very important skill of multitasking.  When you are sitting in the middle of the band, it is not just your job to decode the notes on the page, but you also have to listen to everything that is going on.  You have to make sure you can hear everyone else in the band make sure you fit in with them along, while also reading your music playing and watching the conductor so you can stay on beat with your part.  Marching added even more challenges, along with all the other things you had to do you now had to march in time, on  the right, foot and to a certain on the whole of the football field.  Multitasking became a skill that I had forced down my throat but I am now very thankful for it.


In my life right now, being a good musician allows me to enjoy my band classes without too much stress, but in the future, the only way I could see it assisting me is maybe with a soundtrack to something I may, know a little more about music and it may put me ahead of someone else going for a job.  As for multitasking, that is something that I use in my life currently and will continue to use the rest of my life.  Right now it allows me to balance my loaded life of extracurricular activities and school work.  I can get a lot done in a short amount of time which allows me to complete the large of amount of work I have to do.  In the future multitasking will be my savior, I will be able to work in short bursts and get a lot of work done, allowing me to finish the work for my client in a short amount of time, but still give them a great product.



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