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 Exhibit:                      Kim O'Connell

Benchmark:               Teamwork/communication

Skills:              TC101: Understand the cultural traditions of others.

One of my closest friends is one of the most culturally diverse people in our school. Kim was born in Korea and was adopted by the O'Connells at a young age and brought to our small town. In a predominately white school Kim was different and we had to learn, essentially, that he was just like us.  Kim has now become one of my best friends despite the difficulties in the beginning.


Kim is now one of my best friends and we get along quite well, with our similar interests and our similar intellectual level. At first I remember that people would say things that were mean to Kim. They weren't always trying to be mean but they just didn't really understand how it was offensive. Eventually though we all learned what to say and what not to say. We learned to understand the cultural traditions of others and in my case Kim became one of my best friends. I have gotten to know Kim well enough that we can laugh and joke at all of our differences and stereotypes. That does not mean, though, that I am not respectful towards his feelings. I would never disrespect Kim and his culture, because like anyone else with a different culture or background they are still our fellow man.


A respect for everyone no matter their culture is always necessary. It is showing a respect for your common man, and it is one of the most important things you can learn in life. In my career field there is no telling the number of people with different cultures I will work with so I must always respect them and what they believe.  As for right now in my life accepting cultures will allow you to build relationships with people you could really like and who will help you throughout your life.  You cannot judge a book by its cover as it is always said. 

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